management for Time and stress


兰洁老师——礼仪培训专家讲师介绍普林斯顿大学金融留学企业心理培训师国内知名心理学专家EAP心理培训师国际商会新闻媒体发言人某城商行理财经理某城商行高级客户经理广州创必成投资有限公司联席董事曾任:国际商会新闻媒体发言人某城商行理财经理和高级客 详细>>


management for Time and stress详细内容

management for Time and stress

management for Time and stress

——2017 Gold Course by Lan Jie Lecturer
【Course lecturer】:: Lan jie
【Course object】: front-line staff, grass-roots managers, Customer Service
Specialist and so on
【Course Aims】:
Through the use of psychology and positive psychological skills,
employees can establish the correct state of mind. This can effectively
improve the staff EQ, ease the pressure. Through the efficiency, time
management skills training system we can improve the staff's time concept
and work arrangements skills.
【Course objectives】

1.Enable them to find their own factors to waste time, and strategy to
deal with;
2. Enable them to find a suitable time for their own mode.
3, learn to develop efficient scheduling arrangements.
4, to improve their own EQ, learn to regulate emotions, troubleshooting
pressure, positive progress
5, the establishment of professional quality, resulting in workplace

Chapter one
1. the four quadrants of time
2. the distinctions of Four quadrant
3.How to efficiently co-ordinate the four quadrants
4. Resistance to pressure caused by inefficiency
II、the 12 rules for Time managerment
1: Formulate a time management plan
2: refused to delay, immediately take action
3: good at authorization
4: improve the efficiency of time management by using 5S means
5: carry the things through to the end, do not stay tail
6: Simplify the workflow
7: the first time put things done well
8: good at summing up: Nissin high
9: make good use of scattered time
10: Save time with tools
11: to maintain good physical strength and exuberant energy
12: Lifelong learning, continuous innovation
III、 the basic strategy of time management
1, the reasons for the loss of time
2, work and physical cooperation with the situation
IV、 the time management of the overall skills
1, time management matrix
2, the tool of time management
3, work classification and 80/20 principle diagram
V、the time management structure
篇章二Chapter 2
I、a good life began from the heart
Allow others to disagree, tolerating others
1, learn to appreciate the world with different vision
2, imperfect self, but look forward to the outside world - futile.
3, our nature is more convincing than behavior
Good self - suggestion self - encouragement
From inside to outside the distribution of a strong heart
Actively control our hearts
II、change the self, strong self
1, change the point of self-habit
2, positive ability
3、 optimistic attitude concerns
1) if VS i can
2) concern circle VS influence circle

Chapter 3
I、the stress test game
II、the mind to determine health
Type A character of coronary heart disease
Type B character
Type C character cancer character
III、 emotional and health
1, more blood quality self-motivation
2, mucus quality character health
3, bile quality personality maintenance
4, depression quality character maintenance
IV, the source of pressure
Happiness index
Desire and success
V、 the pressure of the three
1, alert period
2, resistance period
3, failure period
Discuss: Which stage are You at
VI、 stress physiology control system
1, hypothalamus
2, pituitary
3, adrenal cortical axis
VII、Treatment of stress in several ways
1. confiding
3. writing
5. beating
VIII、 the American psychologist Irmar experiment
1, when you are sad, your body information prompts ...
2, a variety of emotions corresponding to the body organs
Happiness lead to heart injury, anger hurt the liver, sadness lead to lungs
injury, thinking hurt the spleen, scary lead to kidney injury
IX、emotional processing skills
1, do not put emotions on the hands of others manipulation - long passive,
defense mechanism
2, self-motivation skills - regular antivirus, regular upgrades
3, learn to forget to bother - organizational behavior, relying on
X、 emotional management skills
1, warm water effect - not contrast
2, the first effect - first smile
3, mirror effect - care
4, early to bed early
XII 、how to get rid of bad habits, quickly have positive health optimistic
1, to avoid the idea of inertia. Try to find a motive for action
Forming a virtuous circle takes time, do not think why can not do, keep it
2, do not change the status quo but look forward to turning
Distinguish what is urgent and what is important

chapter 4
|一 | |二 | |三 |
|[pic] | |[pic] | |[pic] |
|Happy list | | Record daydreaming | |Hunting games - find |
|Make a list of personal| |Free to imagine, to | |and destroy stress |
|relaxation activities | |improve the sense of | |sources |
| | |relaxation and | | |
| | |creativity | | |





《客户经理营销沟通心理学》【课程讲师】兰洁【课程对象】客户经理等。【课程时间】2天完整版。1天精华版【课程背景】  在金融市场竞争日趋激烈下,银行客户经理们的工作压力日趋增大,他们工作能力的好坏,不仅影响着业务的发展,而且还反映出整个银行的工作效率、服务质量和业绩水平。在工作中,有的心理负担过重,从而恐惧懒散,销售和服务效率下降;有的没有做好案头准备,就急于










资深客户经理(三年以上)营销与服务技巧【课程讲师】:兰洁【课程对象】:个人客户经理等。【课程时间】:三天完整版;两天精华版;【课程宗旨】:本课程适用于三年以上经验的客户经理。运用沟通技能训练、营销心理学、主动营销心态提升法、现场沟通、营销案例分析、演练,使员工树立正确的营销方式,有效地提高服务沟通质量。【课程目标】:1 、挖掘陌生存量客户需求,通过沟通技巧提






